Friday, 12 December 2014

International Lolita Day

Last Saturday was International Lolita Day, and in unison with lolitas all over the world, a special meet-up was organised for the Sydney Community on this day. The theme for this meet was 'Dream Dresses and Favourite Coords,' so Töck wore her Merrymaking in the Ghost Town coord, which she got in maroon because she's originally a Queenslander (Just kidding, :-P she actually originally wanted the black version, but the problem was that everyone ELSE seemed to be after the black version too, she decided to settle for the maroon - and it turned out to be far more gorgeous!) Meanwhile, Phanty came in his navy Twinkle Dreaming Princess coord, which is particularly special to him because it was his second fully completed coord. ^.^

That is a Dr. Seuss original painting behind me ^.^
Please ignore the crooked KC...

Töck, Phanty and other members of the Sydney Comm first congregated at the amazing Vapiano Italian restaurant for lunch before heading off to the Gallery of New South Wales where they fangirled over Rubens and giggled at phallic sculptures. Art curators came over to question the lolitas on artistic meaning and philosophy behind their clothing, and a gorgeous American couple (who instantly seemed to fall in love with these 'Tokyo dolls' as they called them) took some great pictures of them all for their Flickr. ^.^  

Phanty is intrigued... 
Phanty's little bunny-face just peeping up over the top... ^.^

Our Coords

Blouse: AATP
Headbow: AATP
Shoes: AATP

Blouse: Surface Spell
Headbow: BTSSB 
Shoes: Bodyline  

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